Just what is heaven like?  Not too much comes to mind.

There is happiness complete!  But mostly undefined.



Descriptions often swarm of favorite spots on earth,

Giddy thrills complete with laughter, chills and mirth.



But some joys more subdued contingent not on place,

Dependent not on fixtures, guy toys, or pretty face.



What then can we say about this vast unknown?

Paradise, Third Heaven, so much to Paul was shown!



“Unlawful,” were his words regarding what he saw. (*)

Kept true to his vision.  He did not break God’s law!



But I had no such vision or law containing me.

All imagination and guess what it comes free!



Does not the bible tell us to encourage one another

With our future habitation with each other forever?



Consider God, The Father, loving us the way He does.

Would He deny any to those He dearly loves? (**)



Consider too, the suffering He bore for you and me,

That we may live in heaven with Him eternally!



So imagine what you will, you cannot exceed His love!

For your complete enjoyment, He placed galaxies above.



Many mansions without end!  Think there is room for you?

Would not be surprised!  With everyday something new!



So come and go with me to my father’s home

Where it is not against the law to investigate or roam!



Where you will never be kicked out for lack of rent to pay

Play with the stars and the satellites all day!



Now consider Jesus, who for the joy He foreknew

Endured the cross, bore the shame, did all He could do–



To prove His love, take us there, Third Heaven, Paradise,

His greatest joy to take us home.  All by His device!



(*)  II Corinthians 12:1-6

(**) Better believe He would not!



Sam Cox 01.18.04

PARADISE IS (II Corinthians 12:4)

I have no charge from God to keep silent

Over things apocalyptic by device.

No vision from God of the future

As had Paul of third heaven, paradise.



So why is it considered ludicrous

To contemplate imaginatively

The joys God has planned for His beloved?

Fantastic joys for you and for me.



We are to comfort one another with these words,

Words about our future God has planned.

Many mansions, so do not be troubled

And positions for many to command. (1)



Considering the wide open spaces,

(I do not mean deep in the heart of…)

Desert land?  Not nearly space enough!

But galaxies God’s space up above!



Ridiculous?  No!  I do not think so!

Ridiculous it is to assume

That every orb that God put out there

Is as dead as Mars or the moon!



So why is it thought of as peculiar

Assuming live planets, out in space?

Did God create voids unpredictably?

Not a chance, considering His grace!



He is gracious!  He is loving and almighty!

And He said, “I go to prepare…” (2)

In His house we are told, “Are many mansions,”

And by God’s grace there is one for me there!



(1) “   ruler over many…”

(2) John 14



Sam Cox


Jesus healed all who came to Him,

The sick, the lame, and the blind.

The lepers, those incurable,

Still today it comes to mind.



“A hypnotist!  A fake!” they cried.

“Just watch the disease will return!”

“A master craftsman, magician,

He, with Beelzebub, will burn!”



But their unbelief came from him,

The one who ‘believes and trembles’ (*)

And the self-deluded just grow and grow

As today Satan assembles!



“What more can you ask?  The pleasures

Of sin, do they not satisfy?”

“Come live as you please and when life

Ends in oblivion, forever lie!”



This is not a true statement,

As Paul sincerely declares,

Who saw and heard from Paradise (**)

Secrets beyond compare.



And well we know, have felt the heat,

Of hell from time to time.

Nirvana, oblivion, how can you believe

The devils insidious line?



And still many chose the devils lies,

Just cannot seem to help themselves.

Deluded they think ole Satan’s imps

Are cute little furry elves!



Did not do Lazarus a favor when

God hauled him from Paradise,

Unhappy return to a world of sin,

To answer the sisters cries!



Yes, Satan lies, as God is truth!

He raised the dead!  And again

They will be raised everlastingly

Just whenever God says, “When!”



(*)  James 2:19

(**) II Corinthians 12:4



Sam Cox 09.26.03


The absolute imperative that most important fact,

From any age or culture or promising contact;


Befitting the heroic from pleasure-loving age,

Adventures, most fast moving, from histrionic page


Discounting wealth and power, as hard as that may be,

Experience the unusual to ultimate degree!


Something far more basic than picture shows though wild.

Exciting rides soon ending clean fun all undefiled.


Yes, something more important than finite pleasures, fun,

The infinite impending when this day on earth is done!


What can profit anyone, experience any dream,

If we miss the immortal eternities main stream?


This is it, the absolute imperative to find,

In this brief life direction and through it peace of mind!


Is this, then, our direction to press toward the prize

Into the highest call imagination can devise?


Beyond imagination there is nothing can compare,

To the matchless glory that with Jesus we will share!



(Paul had an experience, caught up to paradise, where he had

experiences that he was not permitted to share.  Perhaps because

in our present mortal state we would not understand of fully

appreciate their exceptional glory!  Add to that forever and ever.

“It will be worth it all…”  Do not miss it!)



SHC, that is me  09.20.02


How to activate the vision to see beyond the stars,

Beyond the Milky Way, our sun, Jupiter and Mars.

Imagination that is the key, just wander in the sky

It will take throughout eternity!  But first we must die!



Death so simple, so precise, a momentary change.

The spirit leaves the body, nothing else to rearrange,

Except the change so radical hard to understand.

We are recognized, called by name, yes!  By God’s command!



Paul was caught up to the third heaven, “Paradise,” he said!

“Unlawful to repeat.” That is where Angels love to tread,

So God wants to surprise us!  How happy we should be!

We will be with Him forever!  It is God’s eternity!



He will send us when He wants us!  He is the boss, you know.

If Saturn is where He wants me I will be glad to go!

Maybe some light years away but with speed of thought

Time and space are meaningless, yes that is what we have got!



Eternity with the spirit clad, matter will not matter,

The din of time obliterated, done obnoxious clatter!

Reality?  The spirit world!  It will extend forever!

The sounds of heaven soothing, clear!  Percussive sounds?  No never!



In Heaven music from The King!  Of course, He is the Master!

What we hear now just compare nothing short of disaster,

Noise!  Not tuned to heaven’s sounds, tangy and abrasive.

To worship adoration not at all conducive!



So what we have here we must live out!  Cannot hasten the process

Of dying!  God has work for us while here we must focus

Contributive to living in this life, in the dying!

Lying down to pleasant dreams to waken in the morning!



Meet you there!



Sam Cox today 05.31.05


What is life all about?  What?

Sure, “Image of God,” we know.

Christ came to earth, a baby, a man!

We saw Him learn and grow!



Image of God!  Of course!  What else?

We are not god-like!  Why?

Sin separates!  Does likeness change, too?

Looks deceive, sure, we die.



We look at Adam, Abraham, sure!

Mephibosheth, him, too!

Imperfections, sin!  Sure, it lays claim,

We know what sin can do!



Sin changes things!  Out of the Garden,

Out of Eden!  But see

For all who are changed by Christ’s presence,

Another Eden!  For free!



Paradise so near heaven’s shores,

Although not all that clear!

The where or what just leave to God.

Surprise me, Lord!  Do I hear?



God of surprises!  Just leave it to Him,

But good, bad, heaven, hell,

No surprise!  There!  All so clear!

The bad know all too well!



Who live for this day nothing beyond,

Death of a beast, life then,

Life of the beast, the death of one

No Nirvana for him!



Nirvana yes, some think City Neath a hill

Consider:  city not near big enough,

Planetary system!  Who then can know?

Not Biblical, Satanic bluff!



Should we not, then, leave it to God?

Surely His plan, you know!

City, planetary, God’s ideas far

The best for creatures below!



Sam 07.29.11


Jesus is all in all to me!

I want no better friend.

I am just 92 and he wants

To lead me until the end!



Whenever that comes, though impatient,

Do not aim to hasten the finish!

Which surely will be the beginning,

Eternity undiminished!



My Heavenly home!  Of course, it is there

Waiting since Jesus died

And rose again decidedly!

Determining the ride.



But, of course, ever since ol’ Adam and Eve,

In Paradise awaiting,

Along with Saints ever since then!

Without reiterating…



For some unknown reason I am still around

Suppose it is my, like, poetry?

Seems to be appreciated

Sure, it certainly helps me!  (*)



Keeps my spirit and mind occupied,

You know, something to do!

And to defeat Satan’s, like, wiles to

Cause to be untrue!



Of course, there is something for everyone

Near senility

You have heard of Praying Hyde, of course,

And would you please pray for me!



We all do need prayer often times!

All know prayer changes things,

Prayer, also, changes people!

Expect the change your prayer brings!



Impatience is my hang-up mostly

Try living a prayerful life.

“Pray without ceasing,” scripturally

Keeps one from sinful strife!



Expect answers!  Eliminate form

Has He ever answered mine?

God has been and always is young,

No need to pray, line on line–



Precept on precept, sure, fall asleep!

Maybe wake up still bored,

Find yourself in heaven on wake up

Then “WOW!  Good Morning, Lord!”



(*) Keeps me happily occupied



S. H. Cox  11.17.10


Just do not understand how can He love,

How can He love this sinner?

Screaming for blood, “Take Him out!”

Cannot be a winner!



But a criminal deserving death!

The hanging!  Dying in pain!

Was he cursing his own worthless life

Echoing in disdain?



Angry curses of the others?

Cross on the other side.

Vile vituperation spilling

Over to deride!



One in the center, blood dripping down,

Thorns digging into His head!

But calm in His utter agony!

Thought HIM already dead!



But no!  Lips moved!  “This for you!”

For me did He say?

Flood of emotion!  Overcoming!

His head shook  in dismay.



 Acceptance then “For me?  For my sins?”

Tears flowed.   Then angrily:

“This man has done nothing wrong!”

We are punished for crimes.



Face clearly registers agony.

“This man has done no wrong!”

We die for crimes committed!

“…remember me when you come…”



His Face shows His love. “For your sins I die!”

Then, “This day in Paradise–“

For every sinner who repents this

Painful price!



But He arose!  Can any kill God?

Although the agony,

So very real that He suffered,

Yes!  Did it for me!



I am crucified with Christ

Never-the-less I live!  Yet, not I but

Christ in me.

the Sam 12.14.11