Just what is heaven like?  Not too much comes to mind.

There is happiness complete!  But mostly undefined.



Descriptions often swarm of favorite spots on earth,

Giddy thrills complete with laughter, chills and mirth.



But some joys more subdued contingent not on place,

Dependent not on fixtures, guy toys, or pretty face.



What then can we say about this vast unknown?

Paradise, Third Heaven, so much to Paul was shown!



“Unlawful,” were his words regarding what he saw. (*)

Kept true to his vision.  He did not break God’s law!



But I had no such vision or law containing me.

All imagination and guess what it comes free!



Does not the bible tell us to encourage one another

With our future habitation with each other forever?



Consider God, The Father, loving us the way He does.

Would He deny any to those He dearly loves? (**)



Consider too, the suffering He bore for you and me,

That we may live in heaven with Him eternally!



So imagine what you will, you cannot exceed His love!

For your complete enjoyment, He placed galaxies above.



Many mansions without end!  Think there is room for you?

Would not be surprised!  With everyday something new!



So come and go with me to my father’s home

Where it is not against the law to investigate or roam!



Where you will never be kicked out for lack of rent to pay

Play with the stars and the satellites all day!



Now consider Jesus, who for the joy He foreknew

Endured the cross, bore the shame, did all He could do–



To prove His love, take us there, Third Heaven, Paradise,

His greatest joy to take us home.  All by His device!



(*)  II Corinthians 12:1-6

(**) Better believe He would not!



Sam Cox 01.18.04