Just what is heaven like?  Not too much comes to mind.

There is happiness complete!  But mostly undefined.



Descriptions often swarm of favorite spots on earth,

Giddy thrills complete with laughter, chills and mirth.



But some joys more subdued contingent not on place,

Dependent not on fixtures, guy toys, or pretty face.



What then can we say about this vast unknown?

Paradise, Third Heaven, so much to Paul was shown!



“Unlawful,” were his words regarding what he saw. (*)

Kept true to his vision.  He did not break God’s law!



But I had no such vision or law containing me.

All imagination and guess what it comes free!



Does not the bible tell us to encourage one another

With our future habitation with each other forever?



Consider God, The Father, loving us the way He does.

Would He deny any to those He dearly loves? (**)



Consider too, the suffering He bore for you and me,

That we may live in heaven with Him eternally!



So imagine what you will, you cannot exceed His love!

For your complete enjoyment, He placed galaxies above.



Many mansions without end!  Think there is room for you?

Would not be surprised!  With everyday something new!



So come and go with me to my father’s home

Where it is not against the law to investigate or roam!



Where you will never be kicked out for lack of rent to pay

Play with the stars and the satellites all day!



Now consider Jesus, who for the joy He foreknew

Endured the cross, bore the shame, did all He could do–



To prove His love, take us there, Third Heaven, Paradise,

His greatest joy to take us home.  All by His device!



(*)  II Corinthians 12:1-6

(**) Better believe He would not!



Sam Cox 01.18.04

PARADISE IS (II Corinthians 12:4)

I have no charge from God to keep silent

Over things apocalyptic by device.

No vision from God of the future

As had Paul of third heaven, paradise.



So why is it considered ludicrous

To contemplate imaginatively

The joys God has planned for His beloved?

Fantastic joys for you and for me.



We are to comfort one another with these words,

Words about our future God has planned.

Many mansions, so do not be troubled

And positions for many to command. (1)



Considering the wide open spaces,

(I do not mean deep in the heart of…)

Desert land?  Not nearly space enough!

But galaxies God’s space up above!



Ridiculous?  No!  I do not think so!

Ridiculous it is to assume

That every orb that God put out there

Is as dead as Mars or the moon!



So why is it thought of as peculiar

Assuming live planets, out in space?

Did God create voids unpredictably?

Not a chance, considering His grace!



He is gracious!  He is loving and almighty!

And He said, “I go to prepare…” (2)

In His house we are told, “Are many mansions,”

And by God’s grace there is one for me there!



(1) “   ruler over many…”

(2) John 14



Sam Cox


“Coming down from God out of heaven?”

New heaven and earth shall be

Forever glorify our King of Kings,

Then we will know eternity!



Eternity means no more than life evermore!

Eternity is God designed!

Whatever man may boast, all he can do

Only God!  Man halts at that line!



We will live forever but God always was!

God created everything!

Admit that you cannot understand it all!

Finitely we to Him cling!



The stars above He has counted them all!

He gave to each one its own name! (1)

Pleiades of Taurus, Antares all the stars

And each one unique, none the same!



Great is God’s power!  His understanding, too!

Infinite His wisdom! Agree? (2)

Beyond imagination beyond all our means

We are but mortality!



So now consider His mercy and His grace,

Not just His power but His love!

“Heals the brokenhearted, binds up our wounds.” (3)

Fits us for heaven above!



A mighty blast of thunder!  Spinning galaxies!

A sparrow falls, what?  The Father sees?

Not only sees He cares!  He reaches out!

By His Spirit, He our spirit frees! (4)



What more do we seek?  What else do we need?

God’s promise, “Each need I will supply.”

Happiness today!  “Joy unspeakable,” always

Everlastingly.  “The sweet bye and bye!”



(1) Psalm 147:4

(2) Psalm 147:5

(3)Psalm 147:3

(4) We are God’s sparrows, His eye is on us!



Sam Cox 04.25.03

(With a lot of help from God!)


Constellations, galaxies, the universe explore!

The speed of thought takes me there a planet I deplore!

Five other saints accompany me, like angels, we are as one.

We get together comparing notes when the day is done.



But do not doze while others sleep we wander through each camp.

Deplorable conditions one can feel the grass is damp.

What to do, we have got to show them somehow how to live!

Babies cry, we have got to teach them what the ground can give!



One angel dives, puts a kerchief on a baby’s nose.

Mother stares then takes the cloth to stop the sinus flow.

She looks around a blanket settles on the two of them.

Mother sighs, she wonders where?  But she does not contend.



Seeds they scatter everywhere fruit trees all around.

Some of the fruit is edible which everywhere abound!

Fruit they gather place beside the snoring companies.

Fruit is found, taste, compare with the growing trees.



Trees are nurtured, seeds are planted where ever space is found.

An angel dropped a tissue and a blanket on the ground.

Another one had spread some seeds, the growth was garden greens.

“I think the life span here has stretched to fifty,” so it seems.



Perhaps our job here is done for now.  Should we return and see?

I miss God’s loving smile.  Yes, let us see what it will be.

What?  Oh project!  Yes, perhaps some realm out there will requires

Our expertise, like, growing things new life to inspire!



So life goes on eternally from sphere to shining sphere.



Sam Cox 03.13.04


Great is The Lord!  Can any be greater?

Worthy of praise, cannot you see?

The rocks and trees would cry out to honor

If man will not stoop, bend the knee!



Maker of all space, the galaxies

Endless by Him contained!

Then made the man in His own image!

Beasts of the fields remain.



Man alone can boast everlasting!

Created to walk with God!

As Enoch who “walked with God, and was not,

“For God took him,” aloft!



Who else is perfect?  None of this earth.

Jesus, God’s Son, stands alone

Perfect Lamb of God, man’s sacrifice!

Who else could for sin atone?



At one with God, “Through the blood of the Lamb.”

As pictured in Old Testament days

That lamb representing the Lamb of God

Whose blood was spilt for our ways.



Our sinful ways, guilty!  Each one

Everyone sheer bound for hell!

Has Lucifer won?  No!  Jesus shed blood

Once applied can make all well!



Not an over simplification this!  For

“Without the shedding of blood

There is no remission for sin,” at all!

Give thanks for the crimson flood.



Truly flood it seemed for in days long past

Animals sacrificed.

Represented the sins of every nature all

Contained on that cross tree.



Contained at last blood of The Lamb!

The Lamb of God who took

Every sin making possible that

All we need do is look!



Look to The Lamb for cleansing from sin.

Appropriate!  This He has done!

Whatever fluid representing His blood

Completed for everyone!



This is the blood of Christ, God’s Son,

To cleanse from unrighteousness

And fit us for heaven!  All who partake!

As we, our sins, confess!



“If we confess our sins, He is faithful

And just to forgive and cleanse…”

And “the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s

Son, cleanses us from all unrighteousness.”



Sam Cox  06.04.10


How can one make an image of God?

He created all that exists!

But still vain men make images

And in this pursuit persist.



Is God not in and over all?

And, of course, “The heavens declare

His glory…” His majesty and His

Continuance everywhere!



Does not vast space, the galaxies,

An image of God abhor?

We will never see an image of God

Until engulfed in Heaven’s shore!



Or, yes, until to Calvary we

Go and look on the cross,

Look up on His blood stained image there!

And watch Him suffer such loss!



Why did He do it? What made Him go?

Why did He die for mankind?

Of course, you know, it was His true love,

A love like this you will not find. (*)



Our Savior died for not just a few,

Like, for those who loved Him and wept,

He died for those who nailed His hands.

How is that for a new concept?



(*) Anywhere, no matter what religion, you dig into!



Sam Cox 4.3.05