No thought of God can ever be

As life changing as Calvary!

Of course, He made man and the process, too!

True love, sure, they know what to do!



God made that child a true miracle!

Cannot blame glands or a follicle!

A touch not merely compatible

Resulting in fingers prehensile!



Surely God loves us, contrastingly

Far above anything we can see!

And in the frame that He made us in,

Cannot be construed as sin!



Adam and Eve begat a Cain

Then an Able, later slain!

In sin we were conceived, yes, true,

But what is a person ever to do?



Jesus showed us that cross on a hill!

Sinners saved by Grace!  Truly his will!

“Conceived in Liberty,” true also!

Christian the liberty, we know!



In dedication to Calvary’s Cross

No, we can never suffer loss!

What God intended  multiply!

When sanctified by marriage, not a lie!



When sanctified above marriage vows,

Cannot be wrong, it is what God allows!

In fact, condones and multiplies!



What is the difference?  Let me explain.

A vow binds, means God is in the lane

Depending on Him to bless the home,

Says, you are not thinking of going alone.



Big difference between love and lust!

Sure, life-long commitment!

Not rust to dust!

When God is at center cannot go wrong!

Make Him your centerpiece!  Sing the song!



the Sam  02.25.12


Whenever Jesus stretched His arms out

And shadow formed a cross.

Suppose He then considered that

One day He would suffer  loss?



And that day would mean salvation for

Every soul on earth?

Every soul believing, accepting

The Virgin birth.



Deity, The God incarnate, gift to

Sons of Adam all

Who would listen obeying Jesus’

Dying, Heavenly call!



Truly possible!  Jesus’ wisdom then

Amazed all the wise ones there

With knowledge well beyond His years,

Mere boy, but brilliant beyond compare.



Age 12 can we consider that

Dreaming, He spotted that hill?

A hill portending anything that

Could make His heart stand still?



With abject terror considering the possibility

Of one day suffering on that hill for sinners such as we!

Then later on a hill-top high, His heart cries out for all

Who did not love God, over all, who could hear the call?



To all sinners, “Come unto Me and I will give you rest!”

Many ways to travel through life.  My way is the best!

“True promise of Heaven, I give to all who follow Me;

I am making it possible, as I die on a cross tree!”



“I will become sin.  I will take it all,

Since wages of sin is death.

You need not die, believe this truth,

A promise of heavenly breath!”



The breath of Heaven, this alone

Can avail, since Adam’s fall.

As we have come short way, short of God’s Glory,

Surely applying to all!



Delight!  Be glad, for what we see

Beyond this veil of tears

A land of promise!  That supersedes all

Conquering all our fears!



the Sam, who—what am!  02.13.12


The price was paid so long ago,

Christ took the death for you!

Cruel death of the cross we contrived,

Just what else could He do?



Death for sins, all anticipated

Ever since man’s beginning,

In that fullness of times, deliberate!

His death for you containing!



This substitution had to take place!

Sure His love for sinful man!

“Wages of sin is death!”  The exchange, this

Only God can!

Such substitution has to be accomplished

God’s love for sinful man!



The repetition sure for effect!

Can such expression be

Ever vibrant enough to

Capture His love for me?



This accomplishment, price paid in full.

What further could be done?

Son of God, yes, man’s Creator,

To die for everyone!



“Wages of sin, sure, death!”  All have sinned!

Fallen way short of projection.

God’s projection for all men, in sin

Lost, torn from protection!



Only God, a God’s protection hand (love),

Could make Him deny

His holiness, so spotlessly pure

To this though, we comply.



The thought of assuming all men’s sins

Dying in sin for us.

Who never knew sin, spotless Lamb of

God!  And we from the dust!



“Dust to dust,”  of all mankind said,

But of the body alone

Imperishable the soul lives on

Always with Christ who  atones!





Easy to spot the Christian who,

In his self-centeredness,

Sees only avoidance of sin!

Sees no one to bless!



His avoidance inadvertently

Of everyone else

His eyes on the ground, never to look

Upward!  Just self!



Why cannot we be proud we love Jesus?

Look on that cross there!

At work, at play admittedly,

Do not I even care?



Admittedly sure not ashamed

I serve a living Lord!

Some may scoffingly ask and who is that?

Only One can afford–



To love us all!  For His children we

So often, full of hate!

Lusting instead of love; only

Self to satiate!



Lust, self love, the difference all know!

Inordinately is hate

Everyone else breathing the air

Just will not accommodate.



Love each other, for love is of God!

He who does not love

Cannot love God for He is complete in

His purest, above.



All for when unselfish complete!

Can be nothing I see,

Except so close to the Only One

Who gave His life for me.



God is love!  And he who loves not, knows

Not, the only One.

Who is purest love who gave His life

My God.  God the Son!



And He is my Father!



the Sam 2.15.12


Just what the Christ endured, there is no way to report!

As he dangled from that cross, just nails as His support!

Just think of it:  the agony, as pain turns to torture;

And torture keeps increasing with no way to departure.



No way to depart this life until death, descending,

Brings sweet relief to pain and the agony unending,

But six hours on that cross, no way to banish shame,

A few devoted followers recognize His pain.



They wept, Christ heard, and slowly His eyes turned to them.

Fixed on Mary and John, He tenderly spoke to them.

He saw the jeering crowd, His eyes then looked upward,

He prayed, “Father, forgive them.” But they heard not a word!



Was there no way to block out the shame, the agony?

Was there no way to tell them, He came to set them free?

Free from death eternal separation from God!

I am taking their sins on Me, their sorrows, oh Lord!



He died, was buried but death was not the victor.

He died.  His body free, forever free from torture!

The tomb could not hold Him.  A brilliant burst of light!

Fear engulfs the soldiers, who awake to noonday bright!



His enemy who tempted and mocked Him, shrank in fear.

A smile curled Jesus’ lips and He said, “Now disappear!”

Celebration forthcoming, He spoke, “Mary, I am alive.”

To five hundred other witnesses, He smiled, “Yes, you will survive.”



And then some!



Sam Cox 04.04


“Lion of the tribe Judah”, “Bright and morning Star”

“His name shall be called, Mighty God…”  Ever near, yet far.



“Wonderful, Counselor, The blessed Prince of Peace.”

“…The increase of His government…It will never cease…”



“For unto us a Child is born,” Miraculous. “Son is given.”

This Son will be nailed to a cross, hands and feet nails driven!



This Son is nailed for our sins, upon a criminal cross!

This Son of God, God Himself!  Why should He suffer loss?



He took that cross for our sins.  He took my place up there!

The Sinless One assumed my loss, that no one else could bear!



Jesus, the only sinless man.”  No other man could show

Sinlessness to any degree.  Why God came below!



But before Christ came, a spotless Lamb, was sins sacrifice!

This lamb, this sinner presented, for it was sin’s price!



So “Behold, the Lamb of God,” John cried, “He who takes my sin.”

Only He can do it.  Receive Him!  Let Him enter in!



Just  what did He do, our Sacrifice?  He assumed all our shame.

He “became sin” and died there this is why He came!



Then I see Him, in the tomb.  Third day contemplating that death!

Those nails that has held Him there, drew a shuddering breath!



Why this torturous, hideous death?  Remember “Wages of sin…”

He took that death that we may find pure cleansing within!



All that we need, ‘Confess our sins’ to His forgiveness find!

The “Wages of sin is death!”  I choose life!  Now I have peace of mind!



God SO loved the world that He gave… and I accept!



Sam Cox 10.08.09


The chopping block, the guillotine,

The noose, electric chair,

The burning at the stake.  There

Was nothing to compare—



To the torture of the cross, with

Its nails, its constant pain.

Six hours plus, of torture, like,

Over and over again.



Did he have to take the punishment?

Or die on strangling breath?

(The consequence of death, of course,

“Sin’s wages,” you know, death!)



Of course He had to die (in sin)

Not His but yours and mine! (*)

The substitutionary work

Could only be Divine!



Deity, the cross of shame, (**)

What more could any ask?

He took the torture and the shame.

Now we can have a blast?



No!  Believe on Him!  Requirement!

What more could man desire?

Well, Satan too, believes on Him

And he is consigned to fire!



Believe and accept!  Rejoice in Him!

You cannot less acclaim!

How can you not rejoice, be glad?

He took your sin and shame!






(*)  He was sinless!

(**) Not just the pain, the shame!



Sam Cox 03.10.04


When we finally learn to love Him as we fear Him,

When we recognize the fatherhood of God,

A Father who taught fathers how to cherish

The children reaching up to be adored.



When we graduate from fearing Him to loving,

The fearing turns to awe of His great power,

We never lose the sense of His provision

His awesome love and grace we have each hour!



Who, just who can have this confidence within him?

He whose sins have all been nailed up to that cross!

We who placed our sins upon the Savior dying

Believing that for all He suffered loss!



Believing that the all is whosoever,

The whosoever includes even me!

That all my sins were taken by the Savior

To be forever transferered to that tree.



I cannot deny the work that He did for me.

I cannot deny the changes made within!

Nor can I ever doubt the promise given

Of forgiveness and pardon from my sin!



Another promise also He has given

I need not fear sins wages anymore! (1)

The gift of everlasting life is given

The promise of sheer joy on heaven’s shore.



Oh God, I know that you know I am not worthy,

But because of love You had to die!

Even though the ones You loved all got together

To hate You and reject then crucify! (2)



(1) Romans 6:23

(2) John 1:11



Sam Cox 04.09.03


Sleepless no, not Seattle.  Placenta, I believe.

Thoughts intruding through the night, what I receive

Three crosses on a hill.  What else there?

On one cross, criminal!  What to compare?



Cursing his plight; as he did all his life!

Mean thief and killer.  A real life of strife.

All he knew was to steel and to kill.

Cursing his vile life there on a hill!



Center cross, a different story is told.

People yelled, “Crucify!”  Sure, He had been bold

To heal the sick, forgive sinners, raise the dead!

“God alone forgives sins!”  Priests truly said–



“This man claims ‘Godhood’, crucify this man!”

We know God in Heaven forgives!  Only God can!

Impostor!  Blasphemer claiming to be God!

Sure, performs many tricks hucksters can do more!



Calvary crucified!  The end of His tricks!

So now if He is able to escape this fix?

A borrowed tomb, many friends mourned as they buried,

Soldiers guarded, later the Mary’s.



Remaining cross tells a different story.

“I had to do it!  See, he tried to kill me.”

“When You come into your Kingdom, Remember me.”

Suffering Christ heard!  Through pain, gritting teeth–



“This day, in Paradise!”  You hear this now,

With Me you are forgiven as I truly declare

Kingdom or Heaven!   Everlastingly we will share!



the Sam  01.12.12


Contingent upon nothing!  God’s Word does not comply

To sophisticated finesse or try to pacify

The arrogance of fledglings who claim to know it all,

Who trip on that stumbling block where Christ is all in all!



He is certainly a good man!  But then how could that be?

For was He not a liar in His claim to Deity?

Liar or good man?  Neither one for He was (is) God!

All His words and works proved that He was Lord of Lords!



King of Kings, who, in His love, proved true majesty!

Dying on the cross for all, setting captives free!

“A prophet, like, Mohammed…” oh please, give me a break!

“Mohammeds’ bones are on display.”  So Jesus was a fake?



Our Savior left the tomb complete, ascended to the throne!

“I go to my Father,” He said, and He was not alone.

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; the Three in One, all there!

The Blessed Trinity!  One God, the fairest of the fair!



Miracle of miracles, completeness, blest Trinity!

God gave His Son, Jesus died, the Spirit comes to me.

Look about you, miracles!  In everything you see!

And you will see another in God’s Eternity!



(“Who (Jesus) for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross;

despising the shame, and is now at the right hand of God,”)



Sam Cox 03.04.04