I have seen Him in His glory,

Without diadem.

Filled the horizon, He came

Down not to condemn.



Face grew smaller as He came,

Silently so clear!

Clearer still as face to face,

Smiled!  I felt no fear!



Uncommon, sure, Son of God!

The Face!  Then He smiled!

Jesus!  And His countenance

Seeing me undefiled!



Determining a passion for children,

Children that He made!

A sheer joy exuding from His

Face, not stiff nor staid!



Joyful!  Glad!  Near like a child!

Like, want to play a game?

Not like One crucified,

Not like one crucified in shame!



But then as though recalling

A saddened look compiled

And sorrowing, expressing, despairing,

As though by sin defiled.



Remembering the sins of all

The world called to bare.

Heavy laden so sorrowful!

Tempted to despair!



I must!  This!  All the sins of all

This world contained

In this body, heart of mine,

By Father disdained!



Foreordained as I die!

Most hideous!  Inspired

By doomed enemy of my soul,

Who from the start desired–



Doom of all and me, His worst

Foe, once Arc Angel

Over all the Angelic Host

Cannot untangle!



the tangled Sam (day after Christmas)


Dependence on God is His perfect design.

He always comes through and He is always on time!



Whatever we may feel otherwise not true,

He has you best interests for He truly loves you!



Just why did He die?  I truly think you know.

If you alone were lost, He would still to Calvary go!



You really can trust Him to lead you through this life!

This life full of conflict, disenchantment, and strife!



“All things work together for good,” it is His word!

And “He will supply your needs,” this too you have heard!



At the end of this road He is still by your side,

And He will lead you to bliss with Him to reside!



Depend on Him no matter, no matter the test!

The trial will not last!  You do know He knows best!



While heading for glory trusting in The Lord.

Keep depending on His Word, we cannot less afford!



When praying for peaceful sleep the promises are there!

Thank Him for the answer, then know His tender care!



But remember, if you are weak and your faith is small

Just keep on trusting Jesus (*) He is your all in all!



(*) No, He is much more than that.  So compassionate,

      so understanding!  Thank you, Lord!



Sam Cox 02.04.04


I am leaving this world; I am going home!

A change must first take place

Whether dust to dust or to ashes. (*)

There is nothing left to trace.



Man cannot always salvage,

Recycle, or amend.

All he can dare is say a prayer

Then to the hereafter send!



Which, of course, is really nothing

For man has not the say.

God alone can read the timer

That tells us yea or nay.



So when the yea comes time I will sing,

I will belt it out for real!

I will sing “Hallelujah glory,”

For that is how I will feel!



The laughing angels gathering

Will sing along with me.

Of course, they know the song by heart

Whatever it will be!



The Savior hears our song and smiles;

Another saint has come.

How precious in my sight they are

I love them every one!



Like, you are either a saint or you ain’t!



(*) Sorry DNA excluded.



Sam Cox 01.8.04


God’s fire streaks the clouds, white hot!

The thunder roars!

Rain down a symphony

And then it pours!



Making brilliant the skies above

With lightening flashes.

Bombarding blasts of thunder roll

Rain torrent splashes!



God’s glory!  Can it be described?

Oh, I have tried it!

Just one single thunderous blast and

I know I have failed it!



The sun breaks through, no thunder now.

The birds sing out.

It is music now, so quiet now

Glory all about!



But do not you remember the storm?

Hard to forget!

The heavens seemed to break apart,

Now peace and yet we do forget!



Sam Cox 06.05.04


The absolute imperative that most important fact,

From any age or culture or promising contact;


Befitting the heroic from pleasure-loving age,

Adventures, most fast moving, from histrionic page


Discounting wealth and power, as hard as that may be,

Experience the unusual to ultimate degree!


Something far more basic than picture shows though wild.

Exciting rides soon ending clean fun all undefiled.


Yes, something more important than finite pleasures, fun,

The infinite impending when this day on earth is done!


What can profit anyone, experience any dream,

If we miss the immortal eternities main stream?


This is it, the absolute imperative to find,

In this brief life direction and through it peace of mind!


Is this, then, our direction to press toward the prize

Into the highest call imagination can devise?


Beyond imagination there is nothing can compare,

To the matchless glory that with Jesus we will share!



(Paul had an experience, caught up to paradise, where he had

experiences that he was not permitted to share.  Perhaps because

in our present mortal state we would not understand of fully

appreciate their exceptional glory!  Add to that forever and ever.

“It will be worth it all…”  Do not miss it!)



SHC, that is me  09.20.02


Can anyone count the stars out there?

Like in our galaxy alone?

A trillion, quintillion, perhaps googolplex,

No countless!  The mind sheer blows!



Then there is the rest of the universe!

Forget the Milky Way!

Seems like a galaxy in itself,

Numberless stars displayed!



Our star cluster within this vastness

No mind can ever contain.

But to the One who made it all,

To God, of course, it is so plain!



“Without number…except to Creator God,”

Every planet controlled!

And named and charted to be used

As the future unfolds.



This only God knows surprises complete!

As His smile lights the way!

Untouched by time; His presence aglow!

Promise a brighter day!



“Many mansions,” that Jesus promised,

With a twinkle in His eye.

Was His reference to planets about

A thought to fetch a sigh?



Mansion to mansion, planet to planet?

Does this present a problem?

Not a problem to this glorified body. (*)

Through the Spirit to solve them.



“The heavens shout the Glory of God!”

That glory will not be diminished!

We will dwell in that glory, the heavens,

When for us it is finished!



(*) John 14, “I go to prepare a place for you.”



Sam 11.10.10


He gave his life for his country?

No!  His life was taken away!

Then they hailed him as a hero

But he had nothing to say.



He fought well for his country!

He saved a buddy’s life!

His buddy was indebted,

He went home to his wife.



The hero stayed, just listened,

There was no rest for him.

The earth above him thundered!

With bombs and dying din!



He killed and then they killed him

And hero graced his name!

“He fought well,” they applauded,

For killing was his game.



What did he know for glory?

They praised him well at home!

His shattered soul was destined

On battlefields to roam!



Is there no rest for heroes?

Is there no peace on earth?

Is there no ever after?

Is there no second birth?



Home to wife, on hero’s death,

Sure, man must have reprieve!

He finds it when he humbly prays,

“Dear Lord, I now receive!”



S H Cox 11.22.05


We meet again at evening

When the eastern sky is red.

He is with me then much later

Just before I go to bed.



He is with me as I tarry,

Before go to sleep,

And as I pray for blessings

On all my kids to keep.



To keep them ever happy

Trusting in The Lord,

Secure in the knowledge

That they are adored!



Secure in understanding

His love for each of them.

That He will not forsake and

That He will not condemn.



To understand His blessings

So that later in life

They can cope with their trials

And the advent of strife.



To so cope with their trials

That they can later see

That for a real purpose

They were really meant to be!



To strengthen and enable

The spirit, soul, to do

Whatever God would have them

To make them strong and true!



The growing process heightens

As they older grow!

Nor do the trials lighten

This they need to know!



But interspersed with trials

Are blessings every day!

That only come by trusting

And believing as we stay—



Remaining in His presence

Knowing heaven is not yet

But once we reach that glory

All past troubles we will forget!



So it pays to keep on trusting!

Just trusting in The Lord!

For our final goal is heaven!

To miss we cannot afford!



Miss what?  The only city in

Which we were made to dwell.

Will not miss it if we trust Him

And love Him!  Forget Hell!



Sam Cox 6.24.05


The heavens show, prove Gods glory,

No!  The heavens declare it!

The heavens bring it all about!

The heavens rage about it!

The heavens shout majestic flares

Incomparable, hard to contain

Flares of passion flowered throughout!

Now show me how it is maintained?

God declares, produces, maintains!

Of course, I cannot explain how!

This small planet centered within

There is no center, I bow.

I worship, adore, yes I humbly bow,

Just gaze at the sky, you too?

Now compare it to anything pure,

The majestic depths, the blue!

How at night so full of bright stars,

At daylight we cannot see

Countless more on that sunny side,

Just within our galaxy!

Surely tears must flow at the thought!

Surely the greatness of God!

Magnified beyond finite thought!

Cannot help bowing in awe!

Then bow but do!  Declare his might!

Shout it to that blue above!

Got to be mystified by it all! (*)

Declare it!  Shout it in love!



(*) Mystified, at least!


Sam Cox, I think, 6.7.05


I cannot boast of righteousness

Or sinlessness, I know!

“Remember me!”  This poor thief cried

With nothing to bestow!



Thief did not even live by faith!

This was not  m y  excuse!

The “Just shall live by faith in God,”

How can I plead abuse?



I was abusive in the ring!

Proud of my speed and strength.

Deserving every condemnation

Of Hell, the end at length!



But, “Just shall live by faith in God,”

Then met more than my match.

That ended my short fight career!

No glory could I catch!



This had nothing to do with faith!

That self destructively

Though pleading for forgiveness,

I downgraded effectively!



Until I claimed forgiveness again!

When Pearl Harbor occurred!

Joined up later, The Philippines,

All excuses differed!



A sinner with the rest of them,

I served, of course, myself!

While fighting for my country!

Faith was put on the shelf!



“Forgive my trespasses,” I pled!

Like, most everyday!

This likely kept me humble!

How better can I say?



Those guys call me, Sky Pilot, Preach,

Though so far from the Lord,

And far from debating it

As though I could afford.



Yes, sin can take so many routes,

Like, pride worst of all!

Daily I must plead for God’s strength

Daily, lest I fall!



I cannot, I shall not fall,

This too, a Satanic ploy!

Through overconfidence, cannot He

This Soul destroy!



My confidence is in the LORD!

I trust Him and will not fear!

Trust Him fully persuaded that

I will always find Him here!



Sam Cox 01.27.09