Daydreaming of heaven, sure that is what I do.

True confession so then, what else is new?

My ninety-three years tells me that I am so close!

And ever so often there comes along a much bigger dose–



Of longing for God’s abode!  Sure, what is it like?

Will God preach to us?  Wonder, will He require a mike?

Then will angels take us to all orbs around?

Until we are accustomed to sights and sounds!



Endless space and time, of course, always forever!

Limiting walls surrounding us.  Of course not!  Never!

Sure, He was speaking, creating for us,

Even though we were once nothing but dust!



His creation, of course, we are important!

Actions, though times of evil deportment!

But forgiveness avails!  Look up and see!

On that hill far away, sure, it is  Calvary!



But then, how can we ever hope to compare?

What is up there against what we have down here!

Imagination so boundless, but, sure, just give it up!

Cannot compare to what is in that cup!



Until we pull ourselves up to behold!

That City of God, sure, compare it to gold!

Rubies and diamonds, we will just wait and see!

No, there’s something special waiting for me!



And something special for you, as looking out

Over those hills, soon you will hear a loud shout!

The King is coming, the shout surely you hear!

Distinctly rapturously, yes, He will appear!



the Sam 01.06.12


I cannot boast of righteousness

Or sinlessness, I know!

“Remember me!”  This poor thief cried

With nothing to bestow!



Thief did not even live by faith!

This was not  m y  excuse!

The “Just shall live by faith in God,”

How can I plead abuse?



I was abusive in the ring!

Proud of my speed and strength.

Deserving every condemnation

Of Hell, the end at length!



But, “Just shall live by faith in God,”

Then met more than my match.

That ended my short fight career!

No glory could I catch!



This had nothing to do with faith!

That self destructively

Though pleading for forgiveness,

I downgraded effectively!



Until I claimed forgiveness again!

When Pearl Harbor occurred!

Joined up later, The Philippines,

All excuses differed!



A sinner with the rest of them,

I served, of course, myself!

While fighting for my country!

Faith was put on the shelf!



“Forgive my trespasses,” I pled!

Like, most everyday!

This likely kept me humble!

How better can I say?



Those guys call me, Sky Pilot, Preach,

Though so far from the Lord,

And far from debating it

As though I could afford.



Yes, sin can take so many routes,

Like, pride worst of all!

Daily I must plead for God’s strength

Daily, lest I fall!



I cannot, I shall not fall,

This too, a Satanic ploy!

Through overconfidence, cannot He

This Soul destroy!



My confidence is in the LORD!

I trust Him and will not fear!

Trust Him fully persuaded that

I will always find Him here!



Sam Cox 01.27.09


Do I dare?  Indeed I do!

I dare to do anything that

Anyone would dare to do,

Preach, pray, sing!



And work!  Fingers to the bone!

At one time anyhow!

Dug a well once long ago!

Pure water came, I vow!



Others were agreeable!

Attesting I make bold!

It is satisfying purity!

Clean and pure and cold!



So cold, no ice was needed!

Refreshing on the hottest day!

Many others drinking it

Were never loath to say–



God blessed it and my efforts!

Proof consistently

That God, the Father, honored with

A miracle for me!



Across the road, Uncle John’s,

A well drilled way, way down!

Water plenty for the cattle and folk,

But to taste brought a frown!



Slightly salty and not cold!

So what, can we suppose?

A milk can full from my well,

So happy to dispose!



Seventy-five years later what

Is left?  Cannot quite say!

House, chicken coop, the well, defunct!

All seen a better day!



Do not know about the outhouse!

A good ways from the well!

Way, way back in the dark ages!

But how then can one tell?



Dried out, bleak!  Today main road

Either side farms, do not know,

Living things, cattle, back then

Does anything now grow?



Plow, harrow, disk, work the ground!

Kind to the stock!  They work, too!

Muscles straining, feed them well!

What is left now to do?



Anything?  Did it even exist?

Land grown up with weeds!

Everyone I knew is dead, just gone.

Did we plant the seeds?



Does not hurt to worry some!

Though it does not help one bit!

God’s Son died, we are forgiven now!

The brightest lamp is lit!



Sam Cox  02.24.09


A death ending death, surely not impossible!

Fact is:  must die to end it, is that what Jesus meant when He said,

“Touch Me not, I have not—I have not yet ascended

“To My Father!”  Spirit-life cannot contend it!



So real!  Nor can we understand,

Though we pretend to do so.

Spirit-life apart from the flesh,

A language barrier?  No!



We in the flesh cannot quite fathom,

Spirit language apart

From life in the Spirit, though we pretend

To do so, a-la-carte.



A communication barrier,

Excepting Jesus who said,

After His death appearing declared,

“I have not ascended,” but led—



“500 who would declare that He truly lived,

Proclaim the death of death

To the saints gathered at Hill of Ascension.

No doubt to those He left.



That He truly would extend communication,

To all believers still growing,

Though dead still speaking to all the saved

His great love, still showing!



“Go ye into all the world and preach,”

Sure, that was His command.

So as we have the Scripture contending,

That He lives now, demand!



That we go!  Speaking through every tongue,

The good news of His return.

Yet, “I will not leave you  comfortless”.

Now  the Holy Spirit’s turn!



Of course, He is real!  He speaks to us,

Ever since the Pentecost.

The true Words of Life evermore!

Find it!  To save the lost!



(Counting the cost?  Sure, we have eternity!  The everlasting, Sam!

If you believe you will.)



Sure, Sam I am


They called me Sky Pilot and Holy Joe!

Preach, Padre, Rev., but how did they know?

Al, squad leader, like told them some escapades!

How I, in plain view, waved and planted that grenade!



Yes, waved as they watched from their cave down there.

I pressed back up to my tree root there,

Could see their hidden den from rooted tree,

Did not care to acknowledge that they could see me!



I waited and listened holding hand grenade,

As I fearfully hoped I could make the grade.

Small space through brush about ten-feet above,

I prayed hard sure, when push comes to shove!



I had cursed a blue streak with the others about,

At times when angered I could really shout!

Of course, sure they knew I had spilled my, like, guts

Bad language included!  Terrible ruts!



Squad Leader told all, after I left

To find a deep hole where I nearly slept

Then a Trouper dropped in, sure, it was his hole!

“Reverend,” he started, then I knew Al told!



To back track, while waiting with hand grenade

In the dark of night, faint footsteps came

Our men were all asleep, Al softly snoring

So quiet the night it was almost boring!



Then when I felt they were directly, like, under

I tossed that grenade through that space like thunder!

Both grenades went off!  A brief silence!  Then,

Officer screaming, “% $ ! and # % !,” from enemy den!



Sweet success, rest of the night I stayed awake!

Breathed a prayer of thanks for Jesus’ sake!

No sleep at all for the rest of the night

Then borrowed foxhole, yes, a sleepless night

Al smiling came!  “Move out,” so bright.



It was the only night that it was only I, which I could remember!

No sleep, not even a wink or slumber!

First night in six months, no sleep for me!

Even in two-foot of water for free!



S. Cox  12.09.10


Sure, there is peace in my heart!

Though how it got there

Is anyone’s guess, but then

Sure, I will share!



Even in the Islands,

Picked off one by one,

Four of us left often

And when it is all done–



Just four, about a fire

Fabrica in view,

But there is no more Fabrica now

Only forest growth, too!



That was World War Second!

Any more left?

Back then I could hear well!

But now I am near deaf!



The Philippine Islands then

I was twenty-seven,

I am 93 now!  Sure and much

Closer to heaven!



Wonder did any make it?

Cummerford?  Floto?

Rocky?  Al?  So many forgotten

Of course I was low—



In the preaching department.

Though thy called me,  Preach!

Oh and Padre and Sky Pilot, way

Too high to reach!



I must have done something right

Though not much I must admit!

Sadly poor as a witness!

The Preach did not fit!



Cone on, Sky Pilot and was that

Like, a Godly hint?

To actually, like, be that?   Was

My heart in a splint?



I failed them as a witness!

I led no one up!

How could any offer to this

Empty cup?



My gracious Lord does forgive!

He remembers sins not!

But forget?  How can I ever,

This permanent blot!



Oh, forgive!



the Sam 05.22.12


What God has promised,  “I will never leave

You!  I will never forsake!”

“I am with you always.”  Keeps His Word!

He will never a promise break!



I complained once (?) “Lord, I am so weak!”

He said, “How old are you?

You know, I am way past 4-score and ten…

Last year I was 92!



I believe He likes my poetry.

Keep writing, like, four each week!

Make around eighty copies of each.

Distribution, that is how I preach!



So, you know, I know He cares for me!

“His rod and staff…” my consolation!

He has proved that, you know since Adam and Eve

In Him can be no frustration!



I preached small churches, some 30 years,

Like, nine or ten, many states.

Traveled a bunch, like, a 3-year man!

Plenty of grub on my plate!



Hey, no complaints from my lovely wife,

Stayed with, like, I am big 93!

So 60 some years, she never once complained!

Plus, played piano for me!



Many the church she was the main one,

Singing hymns as she played!

Piano just seemed, like, so natural!

Never ever looked frayed!



Or dismayed!  Once, when daughter joined us

At piano, she just a tot,

My frustration showed but the wife put

Her on bench nor missed a note!



Sure, much older now!  Sit and write!

As God  “Zings” the words to me,

Make mucho copies, deliver at church,

Of course, it’s all for free!



Sold many poems, earlier times

But now 4 each Lords’ day!

Sit, pass them out, as long as they last,

Of course, without pay!



Well, I have to preach!  That is my calling

Just obeying the call.

This has no message as others do

Explanatory is all!



I know I could sell many I write

But as salvation is free!

Why should I charge for what God gives?

Grace plenty good for me!



only the Sam 01.20.12