I cannot boast of righteousness

Or sinlessness, I know!

“Remember me!”  This poor thief cried

With nothing to bestow!



Thief did not even live by faith!

This was not  m y  excuse!

The “Just shall live by faith in God,”

How can I plead abuse?



I was abusive in the ring!

Proud of my speed and strength.

Deserving every condemnation

Of Hell, the end at length!



But, “Just shall live by faith in God,”

Then met more than my match.

That ended my short fight career!

No glory could I catch!



This had nothing to do with faith!

That self destructively

Though pleading for forgiveness,

I downgraded effectively!



Until I claimed forgiveness again!

When Pearl Harbor occurred!

Joined up later, The Philippines,

All excuses differed!



A sinner with the rest of them,

I served, of course, myself!

While fighting for my country!

Faith was put on the shelf!



“Forgive my trespasses,” I pled!

Like, most everyday!

This likely kept me humble!

How better can I say?



Those guys call me, Sky Pilot, Preach,

Though so far from the Lord,

And far from debating it

As though I could afford.



Yes, sin can take so many routes,

Like, pride worst of all!

Daily I must plead for God’s strength

Daily, lest I fall!



I cannot, I shall not fall,

This too, a Satanic ploy!

Through overconfidence, cannot He

This Soul destroy!



My confidence is in the LORD!

I trust Him and will not fear!

Trust Him fully persuaded that

I will always find Him here!



Sam Cox 01.27.09


Sure, I fought in World War II,

Wondering about  #1.

‘Krauts,’ the only enemy then

The second, add Japan.



Fighting seemed like most everywhere!

Except the U. S. of A.!

Hawaii included.  Sure, Pearl Harbor!

Planes bombing night and day!



Islands, sure!  Not mentioned much,

The Philippines, did endure!

Yet, for 6 months straight, no let-up.

It was close fighting, for sure!



“This is not nothing!”  Old timers exclaimed

Why then squads whittled down

To 4 from 12, like, countless times?

Squad Leader and I still around!



Many who boasted about skirmishes

In the past, not likely to be,

Like Mitch, sat on a tree root staring

Ahead, Still did not see.



Though looking straight ahead at it, machine gun,

Ours?  Why pointed at me?

Ping!  Took it right between the eyes!

Oh, yes!  It was enemy!



I was just starting up to help him or

I would have picked one, too!

“Get down here, Sam!”  Lieutenant, changed my mind

So what else could I do?



So still around Sam.  Sure, do not know why!

Well, God orders, I obey!

But when He tells me, Sam, it is time!

I will sure know what to say!



“Take me home!  Sure, it has been awhile!”

Did I think I would live forever?

Sure, it is true!  In my Heavenly Home!

Troubles?  Trials?  No, never!



Yes!  His promise is true!



the Sam 01.31.12