Ever spend your night in a mud hole (*)

With rain water pouring in?

I did but God sent an angel

To warm without and within!



Think that same angel warmed the Savior

Through cold and pouring rain?

Of course he did and the suffering

For me again and again!



They called me Preacher and Padre

Though I never told them anything.

The men knew nothing about me

Just maybe a bird on the wing.



Sky Pilot, this designation

Stuck, I think, respectfully.

They saw me take many chances

That might have, could have killed me.



There was little respect for Jesus,

Religious folk tortured Him!

He taught, He healed, and He suffered!

Still love for all within!



We know He wept often!  Perhaps

From the hill of Calvary.

He wept for the men who would kill Him

And surely for even me!



They whipped Him until His blood flowed,

Same blood that cleansed my soul!

They beat Him, lashed, and then crucified,

And that is what made me whole!



Contradicting, scoffing, ribald laughter!

Snubbed, taunted, spat on, jeered,

Knowing that He would die on a cross.

Yes, of course, I am sure He feared!



How could I think that?  As man He died!

And they did what I did to Him!

Yet I know the provision that He made

He would do it again and again!



I lost 30 pounds during that fray

Gained it all back and 30 more!

Do not think that will matter much

When I get to that forever shore.



(*) The war in a fox hole.



Sam Cox 11.09.05


My mother’s prayers how precious!

Followed me through life!

Continued on after she died

Alleviating strife!



Those prayers she prayed so powerful,

Bathed with her tears and cry’s

Continued even after her death,

No longer tearful eyes!



While bullets thudded, hissed, and sang

Around and over me

Bombs blasted shrapnel all around

A fist-sized piece hit the tree—



Just a foot above my head

And landed on my knee.

It was passed around for everyone

To handle and to see!



That is why my tag, Sky Pilot

And Padre got around.

Along with other narrow scrapes,

They thought me heaven bound.



Preacher, one Jewish boy, bragged,

“I am atheist even now

With bullets flying all around!”

How long would God allow?



So mother’s prayers have followed,

Oh, yes!  I know it is true!

My feet are planted firmly

And blessings now accrue!



How can I help but pray for my

Kids and all the grand’s?

And, of course, the grand kids, too. (*)

Obeying God’s command!



I cannot quit this prayer life

Nor am I so inclined!

Must keep on raising upward

To hold my peace of mind!



Somehow by faith I see God’s hand

Continues His work!

And since He is working in each life

I cannot ever shirk!



It is my responsibility

As a parent, this I know,

As my mother’s prayers have followed me

No other way to go!



Kids remember you are prayed for!

Just one way for you now,

No place for you but heaven!

You will!  You must allow!



Must allow God’s working in you!

Say, yes!  Yes to His Will!

Grandma and grandpa (great)

Are praying for you still!



(*) Sorry forgot the great-grand’s but not in prayers!



Sam Cox 8.13.05


I cannot boast of righteousness

Or sinlessness, I know!

“Remember me!”  This poor thief cried

With nothing to bestow!



Thief did not even live by faith!

This was not  m y  excuse!

The “Just shall live by faith in God,”

How can I plead abuse?



I was abusive in the ring!

Proud of my speed and strength.

Deserving every condemnation

Of Hell, the end at length!



But, “Just shall live by faith in God,”

Then met more than my match.

That ended my short fight career!

No glory could I catch!



This had nothing to do with faith!

That self destructively

Though pleading for forgiveness,

I downgraded effectively!



Until I claimed forgiveness again!

When Pearl Harbor occurred!

Joined up later, The Philippines,

All excuses differed!



A sinner with the rest of them,

I served, of course, myself!

While fighting for my country!

Faith was put on the shelf!



“Forgive my trespasses,” I pled!

Like, most everyday!

This likely kept me humble!

How better can I say?



Those guys call me, Sky Pilot, Preach,

Though so far from the Lord,

And far from debating it

As though I could afford.



Yes, sin can take so many routes,

Like, pride worst of all!

Daily I must plead for God’s strength

Daily, lest I fall!



I cannot, I shall not fall,

This too, a Satanic ploy!

Through overconfidence, cannot He

This Soul destroy!



My confidence is in the LORD!

I trust Him and will not fear!

Trust Him fully persuaded that

I will always find Him here!



Sam Cox 01.27.09


They called me Sky Pilot and Holy Joe!

Preach, Padre, Rev., but how did they know?

Al, squad leader, like told them some escapades!

How I, in plain view, waved and planted that grenade!



Yes, waved as they watched from their cave down there.

I pressed back up to my tree root there,

Could see their hidden den from rooted tree,

Did not care to acknowledge that they could see me!



I waited and listened holding hand grenade,

As I fearfully hoped I could make the grade.

Small space through brush about ten-feet above,

I prayed hard sure, when push comes to shove!



I had cursed a blue streak with the others about,

At times when angered I could really shout!

Of course, sure they knew I had spilled my, like, guts

Bad language included!  Terrible ruts!



Squad Leader told all, after I left

To find a deep hole where I nearly slept

Then a Trouper dropped in, sure, it was his hole!

“Reverend,” he started, then I knew Al told!



To back track, while waiting with hand grenade

In the dark of night, faint footsteps came

Our men were all asleep, Al softly snoring

So quiet the night it was almost boring!



Then when I felt they were directly, like, under

I tossed that grenade through that space like thunder!

Both grenades went off!  A brief silence!  Then,

Officer screaming, “% $ ! and # % !,” from enemy den!



Sweet success, rest of the night I stayed awake!

Breathed a prayer of thanks for Jesus’ sake!

No sleep at all for the rest of the night

Then borrowed foxhole, yes, a sleepless night

Al smiling came!  “Move out,” so bright.



It was the only night that it was only I, which I could remember!

No sleep, not even a wink or slumber!

First night in six months, no sleep for me!

Even in two-foot of water for free!



S. Cox  12.09.10


Age considers everyone!

Of course, if we are to live!

I survived W.W. II and gave

Everything I had to give!



Beard grew long and, oh yes, red!

Near red, auburn, I guess.

Peace-time remembered Captain said,

“The beard goes!”  Sure, I said, “Yes.”



Six months of leading patrol

And will I ever forget?

Smell of dead bodies, though walking fast!

Sure, memories linger yet!



“Stay back!”  I ordered, “Booby trap!”

And did I tell all one night.

That I would live to preach again,

After this stinking fight!



That is when I heard, Sky Pilot, Preach, and

Padre!  One Mexican called,

Reverend then but I shook my head as

We staggered and crawled!



Do not think I will feel reverend again

Now or when peace ever sheds,

Unholy thoughts, does God forgive?

Though your sins be as lead…



Dragging you downward, down to the pit

Thief cried out, “Remember me!”

“This day in Paradise…”  When I get there

Both of them, I will see!



By God’s Grace, oh, yes!  His Grace alone!

What then can we expect?

Into His hands, nail prints there!

Heaven, I will collect!



Can any imagine that loving heart,

“Father, forgive them

They know not what they are doing!”  But

You know that He died for you!



Yes, He knew pain, considered ours,

So then, I go to prepare

A place where no pain is ever known

Like, that we once shared.



No pain, ever!  Cannot imagine

Relief!  Except peace!

And joy that passes all understanding!

At the Soul’s release!



The Sam  05.27.12


Sure, there is peace in my heart!

Though how it got there

Is anyone’s guess, but then

Sure, I will share!



Even in the Islands,

Picked off one by one,

Four of us left often

And when it is all done–



Just four, about a fire

Fabrica in view,

But there is no more Fabrica now

Only forest growth, too!



That was World War Second!

Any more left?

Back then I could hear well!

But now I am near deaf!



The Philippine Islands then

I was twenty-seven,

I am 93 now!  Sure and much

Closer to heaven!



Wonder did any make it?

Cummerford?  Floto?

Rocky?  Al?  So many forgotten

Of course I was low—



In the preaching department.

Though thy called me,  Preach!

Oh and Padre and Sky Pilot, way

Too high to reach!



I must have done something right

Though not much I must admit!

Sadly poor as a witness!

The Preach did not fit!



Cone on, Sky Pilot and was that

Like, a Godly hint?

To actually, like, be that?   Was

My heart in a splint?



I failed them as a witness!

I led no one up!

How could any offer to this

Empty cup?



My gracious Lord does forgive!

He remembers sins not!

But forget?  How can I ever,

This permanent blot!



Oh, forgive!



the Sam 05.22.12


Has a healthy respect for hand-grenades,

Sure, I knew what one could do!

Truth is, I survived 3 grenade blasts

Just a foot away, it is true!



A slight knoll separated me from him,

The enemy what am,

Cowardly me, I just threw a grenade,

Then one came back at old Sam!



Two can play, long as grenades last.  As it came, I slid back

But got hung up by a small tree, exploded but a foot from me!

Had, like, made myself small, hands on helmet, so near – went off!

Explosion sure picked me clear up!  Consider, no time to scoff!



I crawled up to that knoll again and tossed another grenade.

Guess what?  Another came back at me, course it is why they are made!

Then I saw Rocky behind that bush there.  Did I say, “Hated me, like, sin?”

“Got a grenade?”  I asked him real nice.  “Tossed my own,” said with a grin!



“From where you are it will hit that tree limb,” I warned, but he tossed it anyway!

It did, sure it came sailing back at me!  What is  left to say?

Sure, slithered back same tree-ling again.  Covered up, guess what?  It went boom!

How many booms can a soldier survive?  Was I boasting too soon?



Remember this, when your friends are enemies

Just hard to keep a kicking

And when the real ones do surround

Bound to take a licking.



But I survived, sure God’s protection!

It is the best, a sure thing!

If not a believer, do not count on it

Just a doubting ding-a-ling!



So many close calls, the guys began

Calling me, Sky Pilot and Rev!

Not reverend could be uncertainty

Presuming a doubt of me.



Though a new respect I could now sense,

Strange how combat seems to draw

Thoughts of many upward revealing

Connection in the raw!



Thoughts flow to the cross, thieves on either side

Of  The Perfect One.

One kept cursing but the other repentant!

Pleads with the crucified Son!



Remember me!



The Sam  03.26.12


Temptation to the pride thing

That is what it is all about!

We think we make that bell ring

And that is  why people shout!



I waved that grenade in full view

Of the enemy down there

Behind those trees, sure, they watched!

As I planted it with care!



Booby trap, sure, the booby, me,

Did the squad leader know

What this fool was up to there?

If he did, did not show!



He handed me the stuff I needed!

The string, everything.

Then that extra hand-grenade

Sure, I the ding-a-ling!



Who never carried anything!

Squad Leader seemed to have it all!

All this he seemed to do gladly

Did he want me to fall!



 Aware I was called to The Service,

Like, told him all one night!

Service of the “King of Kings”

After this stupid fight–



And that is why I heard Padre,

Sky Pilot, and Preach the next day

After my plant had succeeded!

And we were well on our way–



To next area of combat

Climbing up that hill

Sure, we had to keep staggering up

To make another kill!



Is not that what we do in combat?

The Major orders, “Go!”

Orders are orders, sure, we obey!

While he orders below!



My King Jesus leads upward!

His orders flow,

Compelling, inducing always

So I know where to go!



the Sam  03.19.12


The sky I look up, such a perfect blue!

No clouds around to disrupt the view!

Though the rain we had still damps the ground,

Grass, the bushes, wet all around!



Still falls on everyone, yes, the unjust, too!

“No respecter of persons He,” whatever we do!

Is that fair?  Consider these wise words

He gives, He takes away!  Blessed is The Lord!



So why do men then turn, times of tragedy?

To our loving God, from their misery?

The understanding that God is truly love!

That all that is truly good, comes from above!



Does all things well!  He does not fail,

Through good and the bad, good will prevail!

“All things are working together for good

To those who love God…”  As we should!



Without verbal preachment in that biggest war,

Men dubbed me, ‘Sky-pilot,’ ‘Padre,’ and more.

‘Reverend,’ oh and ‘Preach’ though I had not said a word!

Change I took, well, you have never heard!



They thought, this guy’s protected.  Must be from God!

Though God never mentioned, they could afford

To think, sure they saw chances I took,

Know they could see me there on the  r o o t–



Of that tree!  I could see them clearly as day.

I planted that grenade, where no one could say,

Did not see me, like, wave it in the air

As though to say, come and get it!  Right there!



Of course I stayed awake on that tree root!

Wanted that grenade to explode, to boot!

Heard them, tossed it, explosion, slam, bang!

Someone down the line, I heard, “Oh, it is just, Sam!”



So I tell my war stories, as David of old,

Won over heathen,  I too make bold

To say that war was holy!  Against Shinto and self

So we fought to stay off of Shinto’s shelf!



the fighting Sam  02-08-12


Dismantle, assemble, M. I. Rifle!

Sure, it was important!

When there was nothing else to do

In training department.



M.I. Rifle used in World War II,

No wood, all metal, no screws.

Dismantle by hand then reassemble,

Get back together, good news!



Did this, at least, once everyday

Practice makes perfect and pray.

We were encouraged to worship that piece

What more is there to say?



Plenty for sure!  Yes, the perfect weapon!

And I made a perfect score!

Expert the title, Bulls Eye each time,

Oh, wait up, sure there’s more.



Platoon at attention!  Called me up front,

Captain pinned medal on me!

Expert medal and how it did shine!

Solid silver!  Sure, for free!



Store bought replicas I proudly sent home

No, not of the Silver kind,

Plated or whatever but who could tell?

Served my peace of mind.



Field Day races, I came in first!

Sarge had been first for years!

I beat him, I think, he hid in his room

So no one could see his tears.



What matters “First shall be last!”

I had lost it spiritually.

I stood up last, where it counted most

Up there at the judgment seat.



Then again, first in the combat zone

1st Scout leading Patrol.

“First shall be last,” I heard it again

At last, who had control?



But God had not left this boy!

Deep down!  I know it was true.

Someday I would preach and live for Him!

And nothing else would do!



They plated, ‘Rev’ and ‘Sky Pilot’ on me

‘Padre,’ whatever have you,

Oh yes, and ‘Preach’ not derogatory,

They seemed proud, yes, it is true!



This tough outfit, and bad, so very bad!

Cursing had all but ceased! (*)

New and lasting benefit, respect, I received

As though I had already preached!



(*) Sure, it stopped when I was around!



Simple Sam became ‘preacher man’

Me 01.30.12



You might know, in combat, they replaced my expert rifle with a “Tommy Gun”