Can anyone count the stars out there?

Like in our galaxy alone?

A trillion, quintillion, perhaps googolplex,

No countless!  The mind sheer blows!



Then there is the rest of the universe!

Forget the Milky Way!

Seems like a galaxy in itself,

Numberless stars displayed!



Our star cluster within this vastness

No mind can ever contain.

But to the One who made it all,

To God, of course, it is so plain!



“Without number…except to Creator God,”

Every planet controlled!

And named and charted to be used

As the future unfolds.



This only God knows surprises complete!

As His smile lights the way!

Untouched by time; His presence aglow!

Promise a brighter day!



“Many mansions,” that Jesus promised,

With a twinkle in His eye.

Was His reference to planets about

A thought to fetch a sigh?



Mansion to mansion, planet to planet?

Does this present a problem?

Not a problem to this glorified body. (*)

Through the Spirit to solve them.



“The heavens shout the Glory of God!”

That glory will not be diminished!

We will dwell in that glory, the heavens,

When for us it is finished!



(*) John 14, “I go to prepare a place for you.”



Sam 11.10.10


How to activate the vision to see beyond the stars,

Beyond the Milky Way, our sun, Jupiter and Mars.

Imagination that is the key, just wander in the sky

It will take throughout eternity!  But first we must die!



Death so simple, so precise, a momentary change.

The spirit leaves the body, nothing else to rearrange,

Except the change so radical hard to understand.

We are recognized, called by name, yes!  By God’s command!



Paul was caught up to the third heaven, “Paradise,” he said!

“Unlawful to repeat.” That is where Angels love to tread,

So God wants to surprise us!  How happy we should be!

We will be with Him forever!  It is God’s eternity!



He will send us when He wants us!  He is the boss, you know.

If Saturn is where He wants me I will be glad to go!

Maybe some light years away but with speed of thought

Time and space are meaningless, yes that is what we have got!



Eternity with the spirit clad, matter will not matter,

The din of time obliterated, done obnoxious clatter!

Reality?  The spirit world!  It will extend forever!

The sounds of heaven soothing, clear!  Percussive sounds?  No never!



In Heaven music from The King!  Of course, He is the Master!

What we hear now just compare nothing short of disaster,

Noise!  Not tuned to heaven’s sounds, tangy and abrasive.

To worship adoration not at all conducive!



So what we have here we must live out!  Cannot hasten the process

Of dying!  God has work for us while here we must focus

Contributive to living in this life, in the dying!

Lying down to pleasant dreams to waken in the morning!



Meet you there!



Sam Cox today 05.31.05


When Jesus does come, what will it be?

Glorious or calamity?

Up to you my sinner friend!

Sure, I say sinner for the in the end—



We are all sinners who must pay the price

“Wages of sin,” not so nice.

But look back, what do you see?

The Christ hanging on a cross tree!



Virtuous! Perfect love shining through!

He only could tell us what to do.

For He alone lives eternally!

Eternal God and Everlastingly!



Always was! The only Creator!

Made all! Just none greater!

“No beginning,” this baffles us all!

This I accept, it is faiths call!



Credible or not by any standard

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for

Evidence of things not seen.”

Believing Christ’s words, we now on Him lean.



Forever, everlasting, eternal He,

And we with Him! How can this be?

Earth, Milky Way, one cluster there

Sky is endless, what can compare?



We in His image! This humbles all,

God considers ever since the fall

That though I, a sinner, because of Him

That price is paid! He claimed my sin!



Eternal the meaning always was!

He eternal! We only dust

With a beginning but endlessly

Knowing each other, endless be!



In Heaven a place He has prepared!

For disciples that we will share!

Fly with Him, investigate evermore

Places on that heavenly shore!



Endless time and space the same!

Do you know yet why He came?

Time? No, it is forever done!

So now we know joy for everyone!



the Sam 4.23.14


Ever consider limitlessness of stars in our galaxy?

Milky Way alone is way beyond counting!

Billions the suns multiplied by 70 billion and more!

In these tiny finite minds count keeps mounting!



Countless way beyond what these minds can consider!

Everlasting to everlasting our God!

No beginning and, of course, no end! Way past any thinking!

With our inventions where we plod!



Cataclysmic, to say the least, with all contraptions!

Intellectual faculties ending

God built in minds and I may use about a third!

Statistics there slightly bending.



We invent motors and we even fly high

But do we forget some things important?

The God who made everything created you, too!

With your fluctuating deportment!



Does His Word not say, not unlike Himself?

That we will surely see Him someday?

We shall be like Him, see Him as He is!

Time after this fray!



We fight! Make wage war! No end to the battles!

The killings ever multiplied!

We were made, since Cain, to protect one another,

To work together, side by side.



But it is not that way! Think only of self!

High the counting to please just me!

Police force active to cope with all crime,

Of course, even in this country!



Do we need a Savior to die on a cross?

To start all loving each other?

We do and we have! His dying carries through,

Considering each one my brother!



Cross, our Salvation, did He have to die?

He did! And we put Him there!

Your sins and mine, so multitudinous!

And do we even care?



The Sam 5.2014


Can man circumnavigate the earth with a glance?

See through the planets, the suns?  Not a chance!

God gave us night so we could see afar!

The planets, countless suns, and the stars!



Think, realize that what we see so minute!

That space is limitless, there can be no dispute!

Milky Way mere speck in the universe!

Day and night somewhere else, we rehearse!



Or realize or computerize the scope

Of God’s creation?  We can only hope

That we are not forgot!  This tiny speck

Occupied by folk in need of breath!



What God can see no man can ever begin

To comprehend!  Flesh and blood conceived in sin!

God sees in and through all that He made

The sun that shines on trees, oh yes, shade!



No shade in Heaven, God’s light shines through all there

Accustomed to this world of flesh there is naught to compare!

With no affinity to fear we see

No likeness or similarity!



No mundane crux or cruel cross to bear!

All brilliant SON-light can any compare?

Deliberate will not do any good!

Try concentrate, earthbound creatures should!



But earthbound not!   In Heaven cannot you see?

Everything is right, a new meaning to free!

Heaven-bound creatures learned through pain,

A place is awaiting true freedom is gained!



Here below extremities are designed to comply!

As though fore fully made to see eye to eye!

True freedom involves the right to adore!

God over all!  On that bright shining shore!



For no difference existing all together we will see

We will realize the true consanguinity! (*)

As brothers related to one and the same

To God through the crucified Jesus, His name!



(*) Got a dictionary?


Sam Cox 1.15.09


Dear Lord, I beseech You as

My waning days are yours.

Make them useful guiding others

To Your shimmering shores!



Sad when people do stupid things

Like, to attract attention,

Forever closing the door to You

And Your intervention!



But there is hope, life with You forever!

How can people ignore,

The time consuming bliss?

Can be theirs forevermore!



If they would only go Your way,

Resting in Your care,

Finding help in time of need!

For You are always there!



Doubts do arise to eliminate

The little faith we possess.

God over all!  The Eternal One!

So questions I confess.



Big bang, do not know, but space forever!

God, The Eternal One!

Pondered galaxies into existence

See meaning in every sun!



Fingers of God working in Heavens!

One more galactic display!

New Heavens then and more new Earth!

Forget the milky way–



Maybe not!  That cluster just may be

The Everlasting Kingdom!

Prepared by God for His own!

When Jesus will return!



Return He will!  What matters now,

New Heavens and new Earth!

“The former things are passed away,”

All receive new birth!



New birth presumes new everything!

No matter what exists.

Does not God like surprises?

This of what He consists!



Surprise!  Surprise!



Sam Cox 06.30.09


Material thinking develops a trend,

Exclusion to the profound!

Our thoughts so encased in matter, in things,

We cannot get our feet off the ground!



Material creatures we truly are!

Hard though to comprehend!

Paul’s suggestion exactly in sync (*)

Beyond imagination extend!



Knowledge we have but can we examine,

Material thoughts when contained?

Down deep in predictable hemispheres

But shallow as matter remains!



Are spirits controlled by matter or things?

Cold, heat, fire?  Of course not!

Materially we are hampered, at least,

Spirit world way beyond our thought!



Just what does this do to the natural self?

Will it not let us explore?

What the imagination presumes to do

Before it hits the floor!



What we do not know about this endless space,

Other planets, the Milky Way,

The great beyond without an end!

Cannot think past, far away!



Many more worlds, beyond ours, extend!

Thought tickling pure Majesty!

“Heavens declare…!” and is there yet more?

Much more than eye can see!



This mound of flesh, the Spirit contests,

This mound of flesh contained,

Spirit from flesh is seeking release

But is by the mortal detained!



One day we will escape mortal remains!

Spirits unhampered will lift!

To that other world!  Where?  Only God knows,

It is His Eternal Gift!



(*) 2 Corinthians 12:1-6



Sam Cox  07.08.09