Someday I shall be like Him for I will see Him as He is.

This is not inconceivable the desire is not amiss.



To be more like The Master in thought, in word, and in deed

Is desirable and natural not signifying greed.



For geed is not included in the spirit-fruits we see

Gentleness and kindness these will last eternally.



Patience, love, joy, and peace continue evermore

They litter the fair streets of that everlasting shore!



The brightest smile imaginable will greet you over there

Whether angel or first arrival the greeting will not be rare!



Listen up!  We are bought with the blood of the Savior.

We are justified and cleansed from all debased behavior.



Just as if I had died but God did it for me.

I am cleansed, I am made perfect, I am now forever free!



Was not righteousness imputed to Abraham by faith?

Reconciled and credited, giving then a perfect slate? (*)



The witnesses of Hebrews 12, great cloud of scummy folk,

All anticipated heavens joys imputed, not revoked! (**)



I am scum but I am a child of God!  Please elucidate!

For if I should remain scum I may miss my date!



(*)  Romans 4:4, 8, 9

(**) Hebrews 11 and 12: 1-3



Sam Cox 01.20.04


Jesus is all, he is everything to me.

He threaded me through hardships in the past.

The present is perfect because he lives within.

In spite of added hardships, this will last.



Jesus is all and in all, you have heard.

It is possible, he lives where there is sin.

Sin He became when He took upon Himself,

Your sin and mine, and cleansed within.



Nothing we have done to merit or deserve

Matchless mercy or His grace.

Totally free because He loves us so!

Justified, forgiven every trace!



Imputation, like, Jesus took it all!

His righteousness conferred upon you.

Redeemed, justified, adoption is complete!

Child of God, now what do I do?



I will live as His Son, grateful.  Oh, so glad

That He followed until He captured me!

The pain and the shame that he took on that cross.

I know only God could make that tree!



Of any tree but especially that tree!



Sam Cox 10.20.03


Tenderly she watches over and Jesus no less!

God of heaven taught her that!  She must confess!



Determinedly, can anyone or thing cause harm?

Dreaded danger there is no cause for alarm!



God’s protection disannuls any danger appearing.

Child of God then has no cause for fearing!



Could that have been my thought as I set that bobby trap?

Whether trusting or not I was still in contract!



“Come and get it!”  I shouted, “Here is hand grenade.”

Did I think that no dummy could forget what we made?



I planted the trap, sure, carefully, there is was set

To go off!  At a touch by whoever it met!



Unlucky enough sure, believe this enemy!

Safe up there behind all those trees!



Considering not they could pick me off

As they watched me, soon who would scoff?



Sure, I stayed awake, hand grenade on the ready.

Soon heard the soft tread and my hand was steady!



My platoon slept on, I could hear the snores,

Not too long later heard two tremendous roars!



“Just Sam,” from someone away down the line,

Then all heard disappointed screams of enemy officer.



His plans, of course, thwarted.  Enemy undone!

God’s people through history have always won!



the Sam knows 0.14.14


His will until conflict, tragedy, forevermore

Gone once safe on that Heavenly Shore!


Child of God is safe even then

Psalmist experienced what God did contend!


So we like King David can know this is true!

From down within Shepard King knew.


We can know, also, so many centuries later!

God is on the throne still!  Tell now, who is greater?


Through tempests, wars keeping power still!

Keeps!  How and why because it is His will!


Worlds, the very atmosphere He created!

Endless space, hurricane you can see and hear!


Storms in violence do show a bit

Of His Power, who created it!


All in the heavens and surely the earth

We He formed in His own image in our birth!


One difference we are aware, He always is!

What more can express Almighty?  Who is!


Was a time when God was not?

Existence, always!  Forever cannot blot.


Cannot time presence that always was!

Or fact that we were made from dust.


Never was a time when God was not.

Pre-existence!  Forever!  Cannot blot!


Whose time presence that always been?

God the Father, God the Son, and Holy Spirit!


How can this be?  Then how miracles we see?

Look around!  Miracles will always be!


Life we call it not everlasting yet,

Exception spirit living on it is set!


By God’s Spirit alive and vibrant still!

Who then with fish did the oceans fill?


Spirit of man that no one can kill!

Until forever!  Or when God says until.



the Sam did not say it!  07.01.14


Jesus is all!  He is everything to me!

Led me through many hardships past!

Present is perfect because He lives within

In spite of added hardships, it will last.



Jesus is all and in all, you have heard,

Can it be He lives where there is sin?

Sin He became when he took upon Himself

Your sin and mine and cleansed within!



Nothing we have done to merit or deserve

His matchless mercy or His love!

Totally free because He loves us so!

Justified, forgiven leading above!



Imputation, liked I never sinned at all!

Jesus’ righteousness now bestowed!

Redeemed, justified!  Adoption complete!

“Child of God,” through Him blessing flow!



Now I am His son!  Grateful!  Oh, so glad

That He followed until He captured me.

All the pain and shame He bore on that cross,

Know only God could make that tree…



(Or any tree, because He loves us so

And that is why I love Him!!)



Sam Cox 11.04.05


How matchless is His love divine

He decorates this heart of mine.

He took away that heart of stone

But did not leave me there alone.



My heart He cleansed and softened until

It is more like His, more loving still,

Pounding, throbbing but destined more

To live on that fair glory shore!



Not deserving, yet receiving

In my deepest thoughts conceiving

Sublimest peace and joy divine

This undeserving heart of mine!



How can I love Him more? Reach out

To those who need Him! Single out

Someone you meet with everyday

Then point him to the kingdom way!



Sure every child of God must work

At this job, we dare not shirk!

To reach that one that only you

Can reach and bring! You know it is true!



Sam Cox 1.07.05


The empty spaces in the sky

God knew before you or I!

Named the stars, the planets out there!

What to His Majesty can compare?



Man, His creation, can it be

Like the face of God comparably?

“In His own image He created!”

God, we are from dust related.



Consider that in His likeness

No man can ever be fruitless,

Man’s supplier, God, is recognized.

Beauty from ashes our needs supplied!



Beauty from ashes, the artistry

Revealed in church articulately!

Choirs anthem a masterpiece!

The artists work do wonders cease?



Only when God carries us home!

Only when we are with Him alone!

Then the beauty of His work revealed!

Here-to-fore from man concealed!



Revealed to us through humble men

And women, choir like Angels sang!

A duplication would have to be

Considered through Eternity!



To single out impossible!

No part of which can be annulled!

The trashcan drummers need to know,

It was most impressive and not just show!



Plenty of trash that fire caused!

Beauty from ashes gives up pause

Considering the change occurring when

Child of God is born again!



Beauty from ashes can it be?

When born again what God can see?

Not our faults but a newborn child!

Saint? A Saint clean undefiled!



My ears have heard, my eyes have seen,

Spirit awakened to all things clean!

Purges as by fire the blood I see!

The blood of Jesus now cleanses me!



I exaggerate not! That choir number, the very best!



Sam Cox 11.24.08