Man builds steeples, tall skyscrapers,

Structures great for all to see.

Bridges spanning mighty rivers

But God alone can build a tree!



Concentrating on the mighty!

Cathedrals, obelisks that tower,

Pull sights down to the flighty

Only God can build a flower!



Could it be that man keeps reaching

For the sky to prove that he

Above all else is still almighty

But can that man build a sea?



Man builds cars, tanks, and cannons,

Smart bombs, dumb bombs, on and on

God just shakes His head and murmurs

“I made earth man builds upon!”



Man in rage thinks, “Let us destroy it,”

God in love looks down on me.

Cannot you see?  He did it for us!

Only God would make a tree!



Sam Cox 01.02.04


“He was wounded for our transgressions,

Bruised for our iniquities:

Chastisement of our peace was upon Him;

And with His stripes we are healed.”



It was my sins that put Him on that cross,

Every vile deed I had done!

He did not deserve but went willingly

Because He is the Only One–



Sinless, who could assume all our sins.

Mine, yours back to Adam and Eve

The Only One with no sin at all!

The Only Perfect One!



Godhead decreed as was prophesied

That Jesus would give His life

As a vile sinner for every sin,

To end sins death and strife!



Equip, yes, for heavens eternity,

Deserving of hell though we!

Punishment He took every lash!

Already half dead, for me!



Created us so he is responsible?

Is that not what we believe?

Then did He not assume it all,

On that black Calvary?



He died as a sinner, criminal yet!

Christ, The One Sinless One!

Capital punishment the cross!

Lifer, the chair, like, hung!



“God is Spirit,” the Three in One.

Dare any deny?

The Almighty, only Creator!

For all mankind to die!



Excruciating the death pinioned up there!

Suffering why?  You and me!

From the very beginning of time (*)

Torture determinedly!



Since it was love that put Him there,

Love only God can know.

The hateful defiled the hideous,

He died for all below!



(*)  God always was, contemplate but believe!



Sam Cox 11.04.10


His will until conflict, tragedy, forevermore

Gone once safe on that Heavenly Shore!


Child of God is safe even then

Psalmist experienced what God did contend!


So we like King David can know this is true!

From down within Shepard King knew.


We can know, also, so many centuries later!

God is on the throne still!  Tell now, who is greater?


Through tempests, wars keeping power still!

Keeps!  How and why because it is His will!


Worlds, the very atmosphere He created!

Endless space, hurricane you can see and hear!


Storms in violence do show a bit

Of His Power, who created it!


All in the heavens and surely the earth

We He formed in His own image in our birth!


One difference we are aware, He always is!

What more can express Almighty?  Who is!


Was a time when God was not?

Existence, always!  Forever cannot blot.


Cannot time presence that always was!

Or fact that we were made from dust.


Never was a time when God was not.

Pre-existence!  Forever!  Cannot blot!


Whose time presence that always been?

God the Father, God the Son, and Holy Spirit!


How can this be?  Then how miracles we see?

Look around!  Miracles will always be!


Life we call it not everlasting yet,

Exception spirit living on it is set!


By God’s Spirit alive and vibrant still!

Who then with fish did the oceans fill?


Spirit of man that no one can kill!

Until forever!  Or when God says until.



the Sam did not say it!  07.01.14


Limb of a tree, God’s hand is showing,

So beautiful wild and free!

Compare, maybe, soft blanket cover

Comforting over me!



Dark with leafy the foliage, God can only do!

Appearing wild and free there

Same as the other foliage around,

Never variegation so fair!



Difference find in the similarity,

This only seeming so.

Same, oh yes, but vaguely a difference

Only God seems to know!



Difference can appear, oh, often times

Vaguely it is true,

Sometimes only Almighty can tell!

Sure, He’s among very few!



Made us from Mother of the seed,

Implanted in mutual love!

God only can do this richly

Watching from above!



Adam and Eve, the Cain and Abel,

Disastrous family.

The very first to set the stage

Then leaving decidedly!



Did Cain then gender the hot-n-tots?

The wild the almost fair?

Killing, eating each other to

The almost animals there.



I am happy to be just God’s son!

Delighted as can be!

See him soon there, soon in heaven above!

I love Him!  He loves me!



Yet as a sinner rotting in hate!

Decidedly to the core!

Jesus still loved me!  This I know!

And I will hate nevermore!



the Sam  06.25.13